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Major U.S. Troop Rearrangement

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Major U.S. Troop Rearrangement

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The Pentagon is considering plans for what would be the most significant rearrangement of American forces abroad since the onset of the Cold War. In particular, U.S. forces in Europe are expected to face a major overhaul, with two divisions being withdrawn from Germany. Pentagon officials say the moves are meant to provide maximum ability to enter potential battlegrounds in the Middle East and Central Asia. Critics, however, are concerned that such moves will weaken the United States' already strained relations and reduce influence with its traditional allies. According to an article in The International Herald Tribune, the Pentagon has already informed the German government of its intentions, despite the moves having yet to be approved by the President, but indicating that its plans are relatively firm.

In an article published last year, well before the extent of the plans were known, Kurt Campbell and Celeste Johnson Ward, of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies wrote,"The most serious potential consequences of the contemplated shifts would not be military but political and diplomatic. Unless the changes are paired with a sustained and effective diplomatic campaign, therefore, they could well increase foreign anxiety about and distrust of the United States."

Source: The International Herald Tribune

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