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Mysticism and the Catholic Church

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Mysticism and the Catholic Church

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A recent interview with Father Jesús Castellano Cervera, Vice Rector of Rome’s Teresianum Pontifical School of Theology and a Consultor of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, reveals much about the Roman Catholic Church. The following are excerpts from this interview:

Regarding mysticism today: “Today there are many people who speak in the name of God, of the Virgin, and of the saints, who present messages. Today mysticism abounds on the Internet, where there are many sites with revelations and messages. However, without the positive judgment of the Church, which always moves with lead feet, it is very difficult to classify these people as mystics. The Church is investigating many of these visionaries, and looks for absolute certainties. Those who act as mystics in the Church or in society are not always the most worthy of belief. A mystical experience must be backed by the Church—its concrete and clear approval. I believe there are more genuine mystics than one thinks. I know several people who have a genuine supernatural experience of God, but I prefer not to give their names. God will reveal them in the opportune moment.”

Regarding mysticism, the Church, and politics: “The mystic wishes to be the presence that translates into words and deeds, in suggestions for the Church, the will of God, the carrying out of his will. If by politics is understood 'God’s doing,' the translation into apostolic works of truth and love, justice and fraternity of what is God’s plan, I see no opposition between mysticism and politics. There are mystics who have this prophetic function in the Church and the world: to affirm forcefully the rights of God and his holy will against the abuses of the powerful.”

Source: Zenit News Agency

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