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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

A Feast of Friendship

One of the most important ways to have the best Feast of Tabernacles ever is to spend time with friends—and make new ones.

The Feast of Tabernacles is almost here! You will soon see old friends, and enjoy all the food, fun and activities. There will be many new people at the Feast this year. Will you look out for those who might be left out?

Think about it. Has this ever happened to you: everyone goes out to have fun, but you are left behind? Or have you ever been somewhere and not known anyone, such as attending a new school or class? Most likely you have, and you probably wished someone would have thought of you.

This year, remember that feeling and think of those who might be left out; take the time to make sure they are included.

The idea of approaching a new person might sound frightening. When you see someone by himself you might be afraid to approach him, thinking, “Who knows what he is like?â€

Well, that is precisely why you should get to know him—because you have no idea what he is like! Believe it or not, new people are usually very interesting. A new person has many new stories, new ideas, and new perspectives!

On the other hand, if you see someone you already know, but do not normally spend much time with, this is an opportunity to grow the friendship. Reach out and give him or her a chance to get to know you. Start to build a satisfying and fulfilling friendship that can last a lifetime.

Making new friendships will not just happen automatically. You must actively pursue them. Spend time each day looking for someone you have either not met before or not spent time with in quite a while. Be sure you meet and greet everyone, as well as spend some time talking with each of them—especially those you have never seen before!

Remember, you represent what it means to be a part of the Church. Show your new friends that you know how to live and have fun!

In the world, to have fun often involves sin and degradation. Many new to the Church will be accustomed to seeing poor examples and improper ways of having “fun.†Show them how God’s ways are different from the world’s. Show them how enjoyable Church activities and social outings can be—yet all in clean fun.

Finally, recognize you can damage a newly created bond by being careless with your word. Even if it means you might miss doing something with other friends, strive to keep your commitments.

Of course, emergencies do happen. Whenever this is the case, make sure to let everyone affected know right away.

When you do all these things, what you are really practicing is the art of making friends. While anyone can be sociable with those he already knows, it takes an outgoing, friendly attitude to make friends with new people. Take this attitude with you to the Feast of Tabernacles and make it a Feast of friendship!